"Janine Latus is the most compelling speaker on sexual assault and relationship abuse I've ever heard."
—U.S. Navy sailor, who is required to be anonymous.
Join the thousands who have been inspired to recognize relationship abuse, break free, intervene, and heal. Hire her to speak at your high school, university, military base or fund-raising event.
What people are saying
If you haven’t seen Janine Latus’ Presentation “If I am Missing or Dead, a story of Love, Murder & Liberation” you need to. 1/3 women, 1/4 men will or have experienced Domestic Violence. Janine’s compelling life story puts a face on these statistics. You’ll be reminded, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Rita BaileyExecutive DirectorDarien Domestic Abuse Council, Inc.
So thankful to Janine Latus for being a part of the USA VDay 2014 cast for an inspiring and empowering performance of A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant & A Prayer! Janine was my friend and fellow warrior from ODU and she brought her story and advocacy to South Alabama with truth, courage, passion, and a strong voice to help give a phenomenal end V-Day 2014 and to the Half the Sky -Common Read/Common World program.
Krista Harrell, Ph.D.Associate Dean of StudentsUniversity of South Alabama

Our audience was diverse including nationally prominent philanthropists, university students, gender and women’s studies scholars, and a diverse cross-section of leaders from our local community.
Janine spoke to all of them with a presentation that told her story, helped us all feel the presence of her sister Amy, who lost her life to intimate partner violence, and provided guidance about warning signs related to unhealthy or dangerous relationships. She is not only a great speaker, but wise an… Read more
Lori DiPrete Brown4W Women and Wellbeing InitiativeUW-Madison
“Janine’s strength exemplifies the memory of her sister, and affirms the journey that many survivors and victims of domestic violence have to face on their journey from beyond fear to freedom. Her courage to share her story as well as her sister’s is heart wrenching but also a message of hope, a reminder that the fight must continue.”
Monica Kearney, MSWExecutive DirectorSafe Space, Inc.
Thank you so much, Janine! We got so much fantastic feedback from last night. Our guests were truly moved by your remarks and wanted to hear more! Thanks to you we raised over $37,000 last night, well over our goal.
Ashley AhlersCompass Center for Women and Families
Janine Latus is an inspirational speaker. She will touch your heart and mind. You can hear a pin drop when she speaks and the sound of a standing ovation when she’s done. Do not hesitate to invite this very dynamic keynote speaker! She will move the audience into action.
Gael StrackCEO National Family Justice Center Alliance
I just wanted to say thank you for speaking at the naval base today. I was very touched/moved by you. You were AMAZING! I would love to have my wife listen to you if you ever come back to the area. Would you by chance know of or when you are coming back to CT? I was so moved by you today that I couldn’t wait to go home and tell her. I was completely speechless at the end of your talk. I wanted to shake your hand at the end, but the line was too long and I thought then that I would email you an… Read more
Submariner (military personnel cannot allow me to reveal their names.)Naval Submarine BaseNew London, CT

That was the most powerful and impactful session I have experienced in my life. I apologize if at the end I didn’t say much. I was at a loss for words and honestly just wanted people to sit with it and think about the impact of the session. Let Janine know that people messaged me to tell me how incredible she is and how moved they were by the session
Nayli Russo-LongVP, People & StrategyPittsburgh Pirates
As a development professional for more than 17 years, I have worked with many celebrity guests and speakers; very few have captivated an audience and motivated the community to action like Janine Latus. As keynote speaker for the 2017 Women Against Violence luncheon, Janine took us along her tumultuous journey of sexual assault, violence, murder and ultimate survival. We sometimes forget how powerful words can be, until we hear someone as inspirational as Janine Latus. I was fortunate to see thi… Read more
Tom HigginsDevelopment DirectorSamaritan HouseVirginia Beach, VA
“Janine Latus is a powerful speaker. She tells her story and that of her sister with so much truth and confidence. She is an amazing presenter and a woman of substance. Janine is the epitome of what our society needs today. She spreads awareness and puts the word out there. She saves one life at a time by bringing to light the horrors in our community as well as ways to identify them and work to eradicate them. Getting to hear her speak is a once in a lifetime opportunity that no individual sh… Read more
Amarachi Chidi UnezecoordinatorNebraska Wesleyan’s chapter of It's On Us